Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gaga Dreams

I've been having crazy dreams lately. Now, just the fact that I know I've been having crazy dreams lately is crazy in itself; I can very rarely remember anything about my dreams, much less with any detail. I never understood people who remembered every dream they ever had, but then again I've never had good short-term memory. Which actually really sucks, because I can remember things with detail from many years ago, and yet sometimes I have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast the day before (an omelette, if anyone was wondering). But yeah, whenever someone starts describing a dream they had, I always have a sneaking uneasiness that they're making it up, or at least embellishing some parts to make it more exciting. The most I ever used to remember from dreams were blurry bits and pieces that in no way made any sense in the morning, as if I had bought a thousand-piece puzzle and found only 37 pieces in the box.


Lately, I've been remembering every dream I'm having, and they're always ridiculous. For example, let's take my dream last night:

The following is really what I dreamt about, as well as I can remember.

The dream started with me sitting in a comfortable chair in a giant, poorly lit auditorium, among thousands of other people. There was a certain buzz in the air like everyone was waiting for something. Finally, huge lights lit up the stage, and an announcer shouted something along the lines of, "Ladies and gentlemen, heeeere's... LADY GAGA!"

Again, I swear this is what I remember.

So Lady Gaga appears on stage and starts singing something. I don't remember what. I stand up because I want to leave, but for some reason I don't move. I try to sit back down, but Robin Williams is now in my seat. Yes, Robin Williams. Of "Flubber" fame. I say, "Mr. Williams, please get out of my chair, I have to sit back down", and he shakes his head. I feel a tap on my shoulder and there is Lady Gaga, giving me a quizzical look. I motion to Robin Williams and say, "Robin Williams won't get out of my seat."

Lady Gaga taps Robin Williams with her mic, and Robin Williams disappears.

Then I wake up.

In conclusion, if anyone knows a good dream interpreter, send me over.

By the way, I know everyone is in love with Lady Gaga, but until she apologizes for supporting the murder of innocent muppets, I will have nothing to do with her.

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