I mean, just listen to "Don't Look Back In Anger" on full volume and tell me that wasn't one kickass band.
The problem though, of course, was that each Gallagher brother wanted to be more badass than his sibling, which led to punches thrown and insults hurled constantly over the decade or so that they were really big. On one hand, hearing stories of them trashing hotel rooms and throwing TV's out the window is cool, because let's face it... rock stars are cool. Isn't that the whole point of the movie "Almost Famous"? Being a rock star is cool. But being a rock star is also an image you project to your fans and the media, people who don't really know you personally. There is no point to trying to be a rock star to your own flesh and blood, because they knew what you were like before you got famous... the illusion just won't work.
Which is exactly what Liam and Noel tried to do with all those insults and punches, and why Oasis crumbled and went from being the biggest band in the world to being a punching bag of mediocrity.
Oh well, at least they left us (What's the Story) Morning Glory?, which keeps me up at night by tickling my ears and defining what a rock album should sound like.
I mean, just look at them:

So fucking cool.
Hi David! ( :
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to tell you that I read your blog too, but I think you already knew that..
But I'm just letting you know again ( :
Bye <3
OHHH I forgot to write what this comment was originally for, Oasis is sooo good!