So last Thursday, January 7th, Lee and I decided to make a day trip to Tallahassee because classes didn't start until this week. Originally, we decided to make it a one day affair, to go up and come back down that night, but just in case something happened, we packed for two days. Little did we know even that wouldn't be enough.
We hit the open road a bit later than planned (read: much later than planned, because we are lazy college kids who don't like to wake up early in the morning), and wound up getting to Tallahassee around 9 in the evening. We had already talked about staying the night with our awesome friend Laurel who agreed to graciously host us, so we decided, what the hell, let's do it. Night 1 in Tallahassee was spent trying to warm up from the cold.
The next day the three of us woke up bright and early and headed to the FSU campus, the last of the "Big Three" Florida schools that I've never been to. It was nice to see brick buildings that were built before 1960... the campus reminded me a lot of UF's campus, probably because they were founded within two years of each other. Lee and I explored the campus a little while Laurel went to class, and a monk gave me the Bhagavad Gita, one the most important Hindu scriptures full of yoga and karma stuff which I will probably give to my mom. Anyways, no Hindu God could make the weather warmer, and the cold made us want to be inside as much as possible, so we went with Laurel to her next two classes (which means, of course, that at the time of writing this I have been to more classes at FSU this semester than I have been at UCF).
After seeing some old friends in class, Laurel, Lee, and I went to Chilis to eat. Now, anyone who knows me knows how much I love Chili's. I love Chili's. A ridiculous amount. So guess how I feel knowing that UCF is the only one of the three schools not to have an on-campus Chili's? Three Subways are nice and all, but man, I wish we had a Chili's. Anyways.

(Yes I took a picture of the Chili's because I was so excited)
After lunch Lee left to go chill with his brother while Laurel and I went to The Women's Center, a really cool and really old house that houses the organization. After spending some time in there, I went to meet up with my friend Alex, who showed me around campus a bit more. Then we went to her dorm and hung out for a bit, grabbed some lunch, and then I went back to Laurel's to prepare for Menace Beach, which is some type of club thing rave party that all Tally kids are crazy for.
Lee and I were convinced to stay a second unplanned night, and we sort of had no choice after the ridiculousness of Menace Beach. And by that I mean it was drunken awesomeness, and that's that. Very fun night with very fun people.
The next day Laurel, Lee, Lee's brother Ryan, and I went out to breakfast, and then after saying our goodbyes Lee and I hit the open road to Gainesville.

(Along the way I took pictures of the road with this app called "Toy Camera", which, as you can see, is apparently used to take every cover of any country music album you have ever come across.)
So Lee and I headed to Gainesville for an hour. And by an hour I mean "the night" because Lee and I are spontaneous and decide to stay nights in places we don't live in.
We arrived in Gainesville and picked up Tatum and Monica and headed to Maude's for some coffee and a failed game of scrabble. Then we got hungry and went to Boca Fiesta, where we met up with our lovely friend Michelle (who agreed to host us for the night).
After food and a shower, the five of us had a dance party at Michelle's, because we are adorable people (as you can see):

(Photo by Michelle)
Then we headed out to see our friend Juyoung's band Queen of Spain play. For anyone not in the know, Queen of Spain will be opening up for Akron/Family here in Orlando on 2/19, so snag up a ticket if you can.
On this particular night, Ju's band was one of a few opening up for Morningbell, a band who played Bonnarroo.

After the show, exhausted and cold, we ran into Flaco's for a break, where I had a delicious cuban sandwich and a Jersey Shore-ish Italian dude left Lee in charge of his near-puking drunk girlfriend while he went to get some food. Then, we got back to Michelle's and passed out.
In the morning, Lee and I finally made out way back to Orlando, finally, after one of the best in-state trips of my entire life. It was awesome to see everyone and thanks for making those three days so amazing! (Special thanks to Laurel and Michelle for letting us crash those nights.)
In other news, Dean is coming up for a few days today, and tomorrow... school starts. Yep.
hahaha. yes to all of that.